
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Hatching More #edtweeps

Today, I am teaching a class on you Twitter.  I am not an expert but I am an enthusiast!  In the short time I have been using this resourse as PLN, I have gainied inforamtion, insight, and tools that I had never and without Twitter and great edtweeps, would never have found.  This constant source of tried and tested educational resources and information has helped me to GROW!  In true Twitter style it is my turn to give back.
How will I do this? 
Here is my plan.  First, I plan to share with them the video below and a slideshare about what Twitter is and is not.
Twitter in Education via by David Hopkins on May 12, 2009

What is Twitter? Twitter is a free service that lets you keep in touch with people through the exchange of quick, frequent answers to one simple question: What’s happening? Twitter is a social networking tool, often called microblogging. Twitter is a constant stream of information. If you choose to navigate successfully, you must give and take, of information.
Twitter is a “rich source of instantly updated information.” You can customize Twitter by choosing who to follow. Then you can see tweets from followed tweeps as posted.
How does it work? Twitter lets you write and read messages of up to 140 characters, including all punctuation and spaces. The messages are public, and you can send and receive Twitter messages--or tweets--from your desktop or your mobile phone. 
Why consider Twitter for a Personal Learning Network? Many members of the education community are using Twitter for work to communicate and collaborate with others, to reach out to similar content areas, to gather information, to SHARE information and to stay on top news, find relevant educational practices, and best practices.
I will have all staff create their profiles... I will be sharing this document with tips and suggestions for starting out in Twitter: 
Staff will be asked to go to to register. Next we will create profiles and post a tweet!  I plan to have all staff members follow each other and look for pertinent tweeps to follow too.
Finally...I'll share some resources here on my blog and also on my wiki to help them continue to grow as tweeters:

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