
Monday, June 17, 2013

TypeDrawing for the Classroom

Steve Jobs by:Dylan Roscover:theexperiental
The inspiration for the lesson I am sharing came from using the app TypeDrawing and a twitterpost that led my creative interests here:

TypeDrawing creates lines using words or sentences.  The effect is similar to that of graphic artist, Dylan Roscover's Steve Jobs text drawing to the left.  To make your own TypeDrawing or to use this resource in your Art Room follow the steps below:

STEPS To create a TypeDrawing
•Download the app TypeDrawing
•Find (or take) a portrait photograph of yourself or someone you care for.
•Open the app and choose the plus sign or create new.
•Choose the photo icon at the top right and import photo.
•Begin experimenting with the size color, and text choices by drawing of the image with your finger or stylus.
•Change the photo opacity often to see how your drawing looks without the photo visible.
    •Your photo may or may not be part of the final composition, that is up to you.
•When your art is complete and you have decided it is a finished product save it to the gallery and send it or print it.
This is an app that has limitless possibilities for lessons in foundational drawing and graphic design.  Let me know ways your using this in the classroom. 
Above is my latest Typedrawing of one of my daughters.  
This is so fun! I plan to make one of each of my children. 
I can't wait to get this app in my student's hands!

I have included a link to my lesson plan I intend to use in my classroom here:

Stay Creative My Friends!

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