
Thursday, June 13, 2013

Haiku Deck for Classrooms

Summer vacation has started and I've been busy... LEARNING.  Like most teachers I spend much of the "vacation" season teaching, learning and growing.  I have been very fortunate to have been asked to work with another like minded art teacher, Mrs. Lockie Chapman of ORNO Schools planning what we hope will be a purposeful, engaging two day, iPads In Artrooms, workshop for the Perpich Center for Arts Education. Here is a link to the workshop info: iPads In Artrooms
In researching, testing, and creating lesson plans using specific apps for art I've been digging into Haiku Deck.  What I like about this app for artrooms is its visual nature of using photographs to visually describe the text you place in front of it.  All art teachers know the significance of using the right image to convey meaning and capture student's attention... this app chooses artful images based on a word to really capture and engage learners.

The team at Haiku Deck advocates teachers & students learning with this app. When I requested info from the co-creator of the app, Adam Tratt, to share with the learners attending the Perpich Workshop he quickly responded with a Hai-5 and the info below which is super helpful.  I especially like the Pinterest:board of education Haiku Decks, resource where I found two resources to inspire lessons in my own classroom.

Here are some blog posts that might help you get the most out of it from the co-creator of the app:

Enjoy looking into this app and using this as a resource to engage learners in your classroom... 
Stay Creative My Friends, 
Mrs. Steffl


  1. Thanks for sharing our app with your readers, Mrs. Steffl! In addition to everything above, Haiku Deck's are easily embeddable in your blog... More here: Have a great summer of learning!

  2. Thanks for the awesome resources and SUPER support for using, applying, and sharing this app. Looking forward to creating many Haiku's with art students!

  3. Thank you for this application, you are so experienced and your idea is creative. I‘m a newly teacher, so exciting to learn from you.

    QR Codes in word
